Wednesday, October 24, 2007

BCFX Road Tour - The Albany State Xperience

The ASU Rams were on campus singing up a storm!! On ASU's campus, it was Karaoke Day so the students were all gathered in the student union getting their American Idol on. As they went in to the student union they were greeted by the Nerjyzed Road Team so after they got their Idol on, they came out and caught a glimpse of the BCFX Xperience. Members of the football team and the band came out to hear and see the game. The football players did not want to get off the bus. They either stayed on the bus or went to go get more football players to come see the game. When one of the dancing team members came over we showed them the video we have of the Motion Capture Xperience to show them how we incorporated the band members, drum majors, and dancing girls into the game. They were real excited and wanted to know if they could audition to be motion capture talent for next year. Some students from the Marketing department came by to drop of resumes and talk to our Marketing Associate Ashley Patton about becoming campus reps and hosting BCFX Tournaments on campus. ASU students really caught the BCFX Xperience and we are looking forward to working with them more.

As always, the road team would like to thank the Faculty, Staff, Students, Football Team, Band, and everyone else that came by to see the game and support Nerjyzed Entertainment.

For more information check us out at and

Next Stop - Fort Valley State University

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