Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today in Black History 03/27/2010

*        Today in Black History - March 27        *

1867 - African American demonstrators in Charleston, South Carolina
    stage ride-ins on streetcars.  On May 1, the Charleston City
    Railway Company will adopt a resolution guaranteeing the right
    of all persons to ride in streetcars.

1872 - Cleveland Luca, a musician, member of the famous musical Luca
    Family Quartet and composer of the Liberian National Anthem,
    joins the ancestors in Liberia.

1924 - Sarah Vaughan is born in Newark, New Jersey.  On a dare, she
    will enter a 1943 amateur contest at the Apollo Theatre in
    Harlem and be hired by Earl "Fatha" Hines as a result of her
    performance.  She will begin recording in 1945, be considered
    one of the finest jazz vocalists, and earn the nickname "The
    Divine One." She will join the ancestors on April 3, 1990.

1934 - Arthur Mitchell is born in New York City.  The first male
    recipient of the dance award from the High School of
    Performing Arts in 1951, he will be the first African American
    dancer to become a principal artist in the New York City
    Ballet Company and will found the highly influential Dance
    Theatre of Harlem in 1969.

1969 - The Black Academy of Arts and Letters is founded at a meeting
    in Boston, Massachusetts.  Dr. C. Eric Lincoln, professor of
    religion and sociology at Union Theological Seminary, is
    elected president of the organization.

1972 - Fleeta Drumgo and John Cluchette are acquitted by an all-white
    jury of the murder of a white guard at Soledad prison. George
    Jackson, the third "Soledad Brother," is killed in the alleged
    escape attempt.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Rene' A. Perry
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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