Friday, April 09, 2010

Today in Black History 04/09/2010

*               Today in Black History - April 9              *

1816 - The African Methodist Episcopal Church is organized at a
    general convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

1865 - Nine African American regiments of Gen. John Hawkins's
    division help to smash the Confederate defenses at Fort
    Blakely, Alabama. Capture of the fort will lead to the
    fall of Mobile. The 68th U.S. Colored Troops will have
    the highest number of casualties in the engagement.

1865 - Robert E. Lee surrenders Army of Northern Virginia to
    Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, ending the
    Civil War.
    the first to recognize that African Americans are major
    factors in the war. The South impresses slaves to work
    in mines, repair railroads and build fortifications,
    thereby releasing a disproportionately large percentage
    of able-bodied whites for direct war service.  A handful
    of African Americans enlisted in the rebel army, but few,
    if any, fired guns in anger. A regiment of fourteen
    hundred free African Americans received official
    recognition in New Orleans, but was not called into
    service. It later became, by a strange mutation of
    history, the first African American regiment officially
    recognized by the Union army.
    four Union sailors was an African American.  Of the
    118,044 sailors in the Union Navy, 29,511 were African
    Americans.  At least four African American sailors won
    Congressional Medals of Honor.
    soldiers in the Union army were organized into 166 all
    Black regiments (145 infantry, 7 cavalry, 12 heavy
    artillery, 1 light artillery, 1 engineer). The largest
    number of African American soldiers came from Louisiana
    (24,052), followed by Kentucky (23,703) and Tennessee
    (20,133).  Pennsylvania contributed more African
    American soldiers than any other Northern state (8,612).
    African    American soldiers participated in 449 battles,
    39 of them major engagements.  Sixteen Black soldiers
    received Congressional Medals of Honor for gallantry in
    action.  Some 37,638 African American soldiers lost
    their lives during the war. African American soldiers
    generally received poor equipment and were forced to do
    a large amount of fatigue duty.  Until 1864, African
    American soldiers (from private to chaplain) received
    seven dollars a month whereas white soldiers received
    from thirteen to one hundred dollars a month. In 1863
    African American units, with four exceptions (Fifth
    Massachusetts Cavalry, Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth
    Massachusetts Volunteers and Twenty-ninth Connecticut
    Volunteers), were officially designated United States
    Colored Troops (USCT). Since the War Department
    discouraged applications from African Americans, there
    were few commissioned officers. The highest ranking of
    the seventy-five to one hundred African American
    officers was Lt. Col. Alexander T. Augustana, a surgeon. 
    Some 200,000 African American civilians were employed
    by the Union army as laborers, cooks, teamsters and

1866 - The Civil Rights Bill of 1866 is passed over the
    president's veto. The bill will confer citizenship on
    African Americans and give them "the same right, in
    every State and Territory... as is enjoyed by white

1870 - The American Anti-Slavery Society is dissolved.

1898 - Paul Leroy Robeson is born in Princeton, New Jersey. The
    son of an ex-slave turned Methodist minister, Robeson
    will attend Rutgers University on a full scholarship,
    where he will excel and obtain 12 letters in four sports,
    be named to the All-American football team twice, be a
    member of the debate team, and earn a Phi Beta Kappa key. 
    He will study law at Columbia University in New York and
    receive his degree in 1923. There he will meet and marry
    Eslanda Cardozo Goode, who will be the first African
    American woman to head a pathology laboratory. He will
    work as a law clerk in New York, but once again will
    face discrimination and leave the practice when a white
    secretary refuses to take dictation from him.  He will
    later become one of America's foremost actors and singers.      He will make 14 films including "The Emperor Jones,"
    "King Solomon's Mines," and "Showboat." During the 1940's
    he will continue to have success on the stage, in film,
    and in concert halls, but will remain face to face with
    prejudice and racism.  After finding the Soviet Union
    to be a tolerant and friendly nation, he will begin to
    protest the growing Cold War hostilities between the
    United States and the USSR.  He will question why
    African Americans should support a government that did
    not treat them as equals.  At a time when dissent was
    hardly tolerated, Robeson will be looked upon as an
    enemy by his government.  In 1947, he will be named by
    the House Committee on Un-American Activities, and the
    State Department will deny him a passport until 1958. 
    Events such as these, along with a negative public
    response, will lead to the demise of his public career.
    He will be an inspiration to millions around the world. 
    His courageous stance against oppression and inequality
    in part will lead to the civil rights movement of the
    1960s. He will join the ancestors on January 23, 1976,
    in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania after living in seclusion
    for ten years.

1929 - Valenza Pauline Burke is born in Brooklyn, New York to
    parents who had immigrated to the United States from
    Barbados.  She will become a novelist known as Paule
    Marshall.  She will author "Browngirl, Brownstones,"
    "Praisesong for the Widow," "The Chosen Place, The
    Timeless People," "Soul Clap Hands and Sing," and
    Daughters."  She will also write a collection of short
    stories, "Reena and Other Stories." 

1939 - When she is refused admission to the Daughters of the
    American Revolution's Constitution Hall to give a
    planned concert, Marian Anderson performs for 75,000 on
    the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Two months later, she
    will be honored with the NAACP's Spingarn Medal for her
    talents as "one of the greatest singers of our time"
    and for "her magnificent dignity as a human being."

1950 - Juanita Hall becomes the first African American to win a
    Tony award for her role as Bloody Mary in the musical
    "South Pacific."

1968 - Martin Luther King Jr. is buried, after funeral services
    at Ebenezer Baptist Church and memorial services at
    Morehouse College, in Atlanta, Georgia.  More than
    300,000 persons march behind the coffin of the slain
    leader which is carried through the streets of Atlanta
    on a farm wagon pulled by two Georgia mules. Scores of
    national dignitaries, including Vice-President Hubert
    Humphrey, attend the funeral. CORE and the Fellowship of
    Reconciliation send twenty-three dignitaries.  Ralph
    David Abernathy is elected to succeed King as head of
    the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

1993 - The Reverend Benjamin Chavis is chosen to head the NAACP,
    succeeding Benjamin Hooks.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Rene' A. Perry
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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