Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today in Black History 04/14/2010

*               Today in Black History - April 14            *

1775 - The first U.S. abolitionist society, the Pennsylvania
    Society for the Abolition of Slavery, is formed in
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Quakers.  Benjamin
    Franklin serves as its first president.

1868 - South Carolina voters approve a new constitution, 70,758
    to 27,228, and elect state officers, including the
    first African American cabinet officer, Francis L.
    Cardozo, secretary of state.  The new constitution
    requires integrated education and contains a strong
    bill of rights section: "Distinctions on account of
    race or color, in any case whatever, shall be
    prohibited, and all classes of citizens shall enjoy
    equally all common, public, legal and political

1873 - The U.S. Supreme Court decision in Slaughterhouse cases
    begins process of diluting the Fourteenth Amendment.
    The court says the Fourteenth Amendment protects
    federal civil rights, not "civil rights heretofore
    belonging exclusively to the states."

1906 - The Azusa Street Revival -- proto-mission out of which
    the modern Pentecostal movement will spread world-wide
    -- officially begins when the services led by African
    American evangelist William J. Seymour, 36, moves into
    the building at 312 Azusa Street in Los Angeles,

1915 - James Hutton Brew, "Pioneer of West African Journalism,"
    joins the ancestors.

1943 - Howardena Pindell is born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    She will become an accomplished artist. A student at
    Boston and Yale universities, she will receive several
    art fellowships and travel the world to create art that
    reflects a clear artistic vision and an intense
    commitment to issues of racial and social injustice.

1969 - The student Afro-American Society seizes the Columbia
    College admissions office and demands a special
    admissions board and staff.

1991 - A major retrospective of the late Romare Bearden's
    career and work opens at the Studio Museum of Harlem.
    Entitled Memory and Metaphor: The Art of Romare Bearden
    1940-1987, the exhibit includes 140 oil and watercolor
    paintings as well as numerous collages that chronicle
    his exploration of abstract expressionism, social
    realism, and reinterpretation of classical themes in
    art and literature.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Rene' A. Perry
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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