Monday, April 12, 2010

Today in Black History 04/11/2010

*               Today in Black History - April 11               *

1865 - President Lincoln recommends suffrage for African American veterans
    and African Americans who are "very intelligent."

1881 - Spelman College is founded with $100 and eleven former slaves
    determined to learn to read and write. It is opened as the Atlanta
    Baptist Female Seminary. The two female founders, Sophia B. Packard
    and Harriet E. Giles are appalled by the lack of educational
    opportunities for African American women at the time.  They will
    return to Boston determined to get support to change that and earned
    what will prove to be the lifelong support of John D. Rockefeller,
    who considers Spelman to be one of his family's finest investments. 
    The name Spelman is adopted later in honor of Mrs. Rockefeller's

1933 - Tony Brown is born in Charleston, West Virginia. He will become
    well known as executive producer, host, and moderator of the
    Emmy-winning television series "Black Journal." In 1971 he will
    establish and become the first dean of Howard University's School
    of Communications, a post he will hold until 1974.

1955 - Roy Wilkins is elected the NAACP's executive secretary following
    the ancestral ascension of Walter White.

1956 - Singer Nat "King" Cole is attacked on the stage of a Birmingham
    theater by white supremacists.

1966 - Emmett Ashford becomes the first African American major league
    umpire, working in the American League.  He had been the first
    African American professional umpire in the minor leagues in

1967 - Harlem voters defy Congress and re-elect Congressman Adam Clayton
    Powell Jr. after he had been expelled by the legislative body.

1968 - President Lyndon B. Johnson signs what will become known as the
    1968 Housing Act, which outlaws discrimination in the sale,
    rental, or leasing of 80% of the housing in the United States.
    Passed by the Senate and submitted by the House to Johnson in
    the aftermath of the King assassination, the bill also protects
    civil rights workers and makes it a federal crime to cross state
    lines for the purpose of inciting a riot.

1972 - Benjamin L. Hooks, a Memphis lawyer and Baptist minister, becomes
    the first African American to be named to the Federal Communications

1979 - Idi Amin is deposed as president of Uganda. A combined force of
    Tanzanian and Ugandan soldiers overthrew the dictator.  Amin, who
    attained power in 1971 after a coup against socialist-leaning
    President Milton Obote, oversaw the killing of at least 100,000
    people. It is believed that Idi Amin left Uganda to live in Saudi

1988 - Willie D. Burton becomes the first African American to win the
    Oscar for sound when he receives the award for the movie "Bird."

1997 - The Museum of African American History opens in Detroit. It will
    become the largest of its kind in the world.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Rene' A. Perry
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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